Query |
Uniswap 1 uniswap kyberswap woofi hashflow quickswap |
Bribe Overall (1) base l2 evm |
USDz Swaps Overall sushi uniswap woofi maverick swaps |
cbBTC 2 base ethereum l2 evm |
time.fun base l2 evm |
BaseNames 2 copy base ethereum nft l2 evm |
Pyth en arbitrum base ethereum optimism l2 |
allied-scarlet copy base nft l2 evm |
BaseNames 2 base ethereum nft l2 evm |
Bribe overtime (1) base l2 evm |
Friendpet 2 base l2 evm |
cbBTC 3 base l2 evm |
Weekly Arbitrum Fees Percent Payed to Ethereum for Blob Transactions base ethereum l2 evm |
Price 1 base l2 evm |
ripe-maroon base l2 evm |
TVL Daily (Token) sushi uniswap woofi maverick swaps |
Combined ezETH Totals bsc arbitrum base ethereum l2 |
Bribe Reward 3 base l2 evm |
StarGate 1 (Base Metrics) axelar wormhole symbiosis stargate cbridge |
wee-amber base l2 evm |
AERO Holders 2 base l2 evm |
AERO Daily Swaps sushi uniswap woofi maverick swaps |
TVL Overall (Pool) sushi uniswap woofi maverick swaps |
cbBTC 1 base ethereum l2 evm |
Weekly Arbitrum Fees Percent Payed to Ethereum for Blob Transactions copy base ethereum l2 evm |
cbBTC 5 base ethereum l2 evm |
capable-olive base nft l2 evm |
robust-bronze copy base l2 evm |
BaseNames 1 base ethereum nft l2 evm |
Supply base l2 evm |
embarrassing-rose copy base nft l2 evm |
Swap Distributions 2 sushi uniswap woofi maverick swaps |
Stargate 3 (FINAL) axelar wormhole symbiosis stargate cbridge |
AERO Total Swaps sushi uniswap woofi maverick swaps |
Pyth Entropy arbitrum base optimism l2 evm |
Uniswap 3 (New Users) uniswap kyberswap woofi hashflow quickswap |
Bribe Reward 1 base l2 evm |
Uniswap 2 uniswap kyberswap woofi hashflow quickswap |
AERO Holders 3 base l2 evm |
redundant-indigo arbitrum base ethereum optimism l2 |