Assets Removed from Osmosis
Jun 9, 2022 - What was the total dollar amount of assets that was improperly removed from pools due to the bug, and what is the list of addresses that had joined a pool since the upgrade? What is the dollar value deposited of those addresses joining pools? What is the cumulative value of funds that joined and exited?
Bug Exploiters
Jun 9, 2022 - What is the list of addresses that were explicitly exploiting the bug by doing multiple join/exits, i.e. who were the attackers? What was the total dollar amount that was taken by the attackers? What amount of stolen assets in the attackers’ wallets remain on Osmosis?
Liquidity Pools - Wallet Composition
Oct 26, 2022 - What type of wallets provide liquidity on Osmosis? Is liquidity concentrated and owned by a small number of whales? Or, are there a diverse range of participants in the LP ecosystem? Do LP composition change based on TVL of the pools themselves?
Wallet Balances & Ecosystem Growth
Oct 26, 2022 - With the launch of Flipside's new Balances table, let's take a look at how the story of Osmosis can be told through wallet balances. Provide insights into following metrics: How has the ratio of liquid to staked OSMO changed overtime? Are the top 100 OSMO holders the same now as they were at the start of the year? What is the current average OSMO per wallet? How has that value changed over time? Plot average OSMO/wallet against user growth. Do wallets normally hold a majority of OSMO, or another token? How has this changed over time?
Daily Active User
Oct 19, 2022 - What does a Daily Active User look like on Osmosis? First, plot out how many DAUs there are on Osmosis. For this exercise, consider a DAU would be any wallet transacting on Osmosis a majority of days every week. Once you have the DAUs, what does their activity look like? Do they LP more or swap more? How often do they transfer tokens into Osmosis? Where are these transfers coming from?
$AXL Token Recap
Dec 3, 2022 - Since the $AXL token launch, how have wallets that bought $AXL used it? Are most wallets hodling or trading? What is the average holding period for wallets buying $AXL in the last month?
Stablecoin Dominance
Jun 28, 2022 - Q20. Compare the transaction volume for USDC, USDT, and DAI on Osmosis. Is there a stable coin that Osmosis users prefer?