Hadi73 | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Nov 18, 2021
    Split LUNA into yLUNA and pLUNA
    Swap ust to Neb
    Stake SOL via MonkeDao’s DAOPool to get daoSOL
    Staking Kujira
    Deposit matic in sushiswap
    Swapping from UST to KUJI
    Limit transaction Order on MATIC/SUSHI
    Deposit the daoSOL on pool Saber
    Redeem ust to solana network
    Eth transaction
    deposit ust to anchor
    Eth transaction
    Provide UST into the MARS-UST Bootstrapping Pool
    Stake SPEC
    Buy nft in blocto
    Polygon event
    Borrow Asset in Sushiswap on Bentobox
    LP token pool matic/wETH uniswap
    Staking luna delegate
    Bridge ust from terra to solana
    Eth transaction
    Swap ust to Neb
    Stake LP token on farm saber
    Eth transaction
    deposit ust
    Untitled Query
    Swap ust to Neb
    Polygon event
    Deposit UST into Kujira Orca to bid for liquidations
    Stake solana
    Provide liquidity using pLUNA and PRISM
    Trade SPEC
    Deposit rune
    Swap yLUNA for PRISM
    Swap matic to weth in uniswap