Team8-miniproject2-<CryptoPunks> analysis

    These SQL queries analyze the CryptoPunks NFT transactions: Highest-Priced Sale Query: Identifies the single highest sale by price in Ethereum and USD, including transaction details such as buyer, seller, and timestamp. Monthly Sales Volume Query: Aggregates the number of sales per month, ideal for understanding market activity trends over time. Average Holding Time Query: Calculates the average duration between the first and last sale dates for each CryptoPunk, indicating how long CryptoPunks are typically held. Most Active Buyers Query: Lists the top 10 buyers by the number of purchases, highlighting the most influential collectors. Price Distribution Query: Analyzes the frequency of sales at different price points, useful for understanding the pricing landscape of CryptoPunks. Each query serves a distinct purpose, providing insights into pricing dynamics, collector behavior, and transaction trends within the CryptoPunks market. These can be visualized in a dashboard for better interpretation and decision-making.