Analysis of Top 20 Most Active Wallet Addresses on Alchemix
How do the most active users in the past 30 days of the Transmuter, Alchemist/Vault, and 4 Farm Pools differ between each other? For this question we wanted to take note of the difference in how much capital was held in the most active addresses that used alchemix. We can see that significantly more is held in those using Staking Pools, with a slight downward trend in daily transactions as APY reduces as more liquidity is added. Liquidity pools are often dominated by whales and a brief look at the average balance of the Staking Pool's most active wallets seems to support that. With most of the actual cash by an overwhelming margin going to the 4 pools rather than the borrowing/collateralization via the alchemist, the whales might not want to bother with the risk of the loan system, while smaller users may accept the risk-benefit of having their positions possibly liquidate.