WAVAX Holders

    As depicted in the charts, provides insightful information on the distribution and volume of various tokens, including WAVAX. WAVAX stands out as one of the prominent tokens held by users, indicated by its substantial presence in both bar and pie charts. In the bar chart, we can observe that WAVAX has a significant holding volume, although it is overshadowed by USDC and USDT, which are the most held tokens. The presence of multiple tokens like JOE, COQ, and BTC.b alongside WAVAX shows a diverse ecosystem of token holders within the Avalanche network. The pie chart provides a clearer picture of the proportion of each token held by users. WAVAX accounts for 7.46% of the total holdings, making it a notable part of the ecosystem. This is a significant share, given that USDT and USDC hold the largest portions at 49.92% and 24.38%, respectively. The distribution highlights WAVAX's relevance and usage among the Avalanche community, though there is a clear preference for stablecoins, likely due to their low volatility and reliable value storage.