6. Peg Variance

    For this dashboard, we take a look at the stablecoins in terra.oracle_prices The stablecoins that I am querying are the following:'UST','AUT','CAT','CHT','CNT','DKT','EUT','GBT','HKT','INT','JPT','KRT','MNT','NOT','SDT','SET','SGT','THT' As a reference point for the target/peg of the stablecoins, I averaged every day's price for the last six months. Then I took the minimum price points and maximum price points for each symbol to provide a range for each stablecoin for the variance it had in relation to the average. This dashboard provide: A running chart of Average Stablecoin Price for each symbol for the last 6 months. A chart representing the percentages UNDER the average stablecoin price for the last 6 months. A chart representing the percentages OVER the average stablecoin price for the last 6 months. There are a few days that stand out for the greatest stablecoin peg variance, with the greatest variance over the last 6 months being February 7th for all stablecoins being UNDER the average by a significant amount, and February 8th for all stablecoins being OVER the average by a significant amount.