19. Active Liquidity

    Objective: Find the 5 largest liquidity pools in Uniswap V3. What percentage of positions and what percentage of virtual liquidity (liquidity_adjusted) are currently out of range? When this occurs which is the approach most taken: updating the range or waiting it out. - It seems as though for the extreme DAI/USDC/USDT relationships, that the only option is waiting it out. Conclusion: The only two pools that were considered to be "out of range" by my calculations where DAI-USDC 500 10 and USDC-USDT 500 10. I define pools that are "out of range" to be positions where the liquidity adjusted is greater than gross liquidity. These percentages are fairly negligible, but can be calculated to be the following: With 129,584 (USDC-USDT 500 10) positions, 91 positions would be .07% out of range. With 97,541 (DAI-USDC 500 10) positions, 103 positions would be .106% out of range. Finally, I compared the total sum of position liquidities vs the gross liquidity for each pool, and got the following results: Position Liquidity vs Gross Liquidity DAI-USDC 500 10 - 129,962% USDC-USDT 500 10 - 97,879% USDC-WETH 3000 60 - 18.10% WETH-USDT 3000 60 - 10.57% WBTC-WETH 3000 60 - 0.09% Really interesting to see the DAI/USDC/USDT relationships SIGNIFICANTLY outweighing the WETH and WBTC relationships. Not super surprising given the lower-risk potential there, but still amazing to see it written in the data. Please take a look at all of the data below for my references.