TERRA: Terrarbitage, Part 1

    bLUNA is a bonded/staked asset which can be used as collateral to borrow against on Anchor protocol. Initially, you will need to bond $LUNA and mint $bLUNA on Anchor site and $bLUNA should always be 1:1 to $LUNA but in case when $LUNA price having sudden increase it will leave the $bLUNA price behind. So, users can swap $LUNA to $bLUNA on DEXes like Terraswap to get better rate(more $bLUNA). After that, users can either; 1) burn back the $bLUNA on Anchor to get 1:1 or wait until $bLUNA/$LUNA pair to fluctuates again. So this fluctuating peg of $bLUNA to $LUNA introduces an arbitrage opportunity. In this dashboard, we will take a look at how users can benefits from this.