Mirror Largest Liquidity Providers

    Mirror is a DeFi product where it offers users to trade synthetic assets such as popular stocks like mTSLA, mGME, mMSFT, mAMZN, or ETF index like SPY500, other crypto assets like mBTC, mETH, mDOT or commodities like mUSO (oil fund), mSLV (silver trust) and mIAU (gold trust). The 'm' in front of the assets stand for mirrored which means the assets price is pegged 1:1 to its trading value on their exchange. Mirror Protocol works like most of the popular DEX where the liquidity coming from people who provided liquidity to the pool and farm LP tokens on the dapp. In this dashboard, we will take a look at volume of liquidity providers for the past 30 days and some other metrics.