Wormhole On Terra

    Wormhole is a simple, generic protocol that delivers a pathway for any kind of information—funds, votes, programs and more—from any blockchain in the network to any other. Wormhole builds bridges between chains, facilitating fast transfer of any kind of information from one chain to another. Wormhole is a generic message passing protocol that connects to multiple chains including Ethereum, Solana, Terra, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. Currently there two features built on top of the generic message passing protocol including: 1. A token bridge that allows users to seamlessly bridge wrapped assets between supported chains. 2.An NFT bridge that allows ERC721 and SPL NFTs to be transferred between Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and Solana. The Wormhole Token Bridge allows you to seamlessly transfer tokenized assets across Solana, Ethereum, BSC, Terra, and Polygon. in this Charts ill show you the volume of UST being sent to other chains from Terra using Wormhole. also number of unique users use wormhole on terra. for more information : https://docs.wormholenetwork.com/wormhole/