Optimism : Overview

    Optimism is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution that uses optimistic rollups to increase transaction throughput and reduce fees. In the realm of blockchain technology, scalability remains a significant challenge. This is where Optimism Mainnet, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, comes into play. It's specifically designed to provide faster transactions at a fraction of the cost, helping to address Ethereum's scalability issues. This dashboard is aimed at displaying the following metrics across Optimism, an Ethereum Layer 2 ; - Trading Volumes over Time - Total Volume Traded on uniswap-v3 being the highest platform with trading volume - ⁠Number of Transactions over Time - ⁠Uniswap-v3 Total Number of Transactions - ⁠Active Users over Time - ⁠Uniswap-v3 Total Active Users READ MORE : https://www.theblock.co/learn/251461/what-is-optimism-and-how-does-it-work