Near Protocol: Weekly Bridging Activity

    The NEAR ecosystem revolves around the NEAR Protocol, a decentralized application platform designed to enable the development and deployment of scalable, secure, and user-friendly blockchain applications. NEAR Protocol aims to address some of the scalability and usability issues faced by other blockchain platforms by employing innovative technologies such as sharding and a unique consensus mechanism called "Nightshade." The ecosystem includes tools, libraries, and frameworks to support developers in building decentralized applications (dApps), as well as wallets and other infrastructure components to facilitate user interaction with these dApps. Additionally, NEAR Protocol fosters a vibrant community of developers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts working to advance blockchain technology and its applications. NEAR Protocol is a scalable Layer-1 blockchain that aims to be as user-friendly as possible. With the goal of achieving mainstream adoption, NEAR prioritizes accessibility and interoperability with other networks. According to its whitepaper, “applications deployed to the platform should be seamless to use for end users and seamless to create for developers.” NEAR also aims to tackle the Blockchain Trilemma of being scalable, decentralized, and secure. Compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum, NEAR transaction fees are very low, just like other PoS networks. For more info CLICK HERE: